Mother Earth is the Youngest Child
“Mother Earth is the 13th child of our Papá Ī'tzāmnáaj'. We are the youngest. Loq'Alaj Ūlew (Mother Earth) is the youngest child.” Maya Elder—MOB
“Our I'tzananohk'u (Ī'tzāmnáaj') is our Señor, the Lord of all the Hach Winik ('True Men' Maya-Lacandon). Ī'tzāmnáaj', the first priest and son of HunĀb'Ku had thirteen sons with Īx'Chel, the goddess of women, childbearing, and medicine. The thirteen sons of Ī'tzāmnáaj' not only represent a magical number, they also represent the thirteen worlds that are inhabited in the Maya universe. We are the thirteenth child; the small one.” Maya Elder—MOB
“Hachākyum, the Lord who created Loq'Alaj Ūlew has not returned, and the others, who were born from the flowers of the Bak'Niktē' are missing. He also made the animals, the plants, the trees and the hills, everything. He has disappeared.” After reflecting, he added, “the white man has a different god; Akyantho. He is different, he didn't make gods out of the flowers, and the poor white men didn't know about the cocoa or the maize. Their god made the powder and the guns... He (Akyantho), has a brother that lives in Yaxchilān, his name is Hachākyum. He is the one that watches over Loq'Alaj Ūlew. At night, when he goes through those lights (Milky Way), you can see different seeds (stars). There are seeds of squash and beans, there are seeds of corn and cocoa beans. It's all in our books. We are again not afraid, like you, ‘the white ones'… if we die, we know that there is another step." (escalón, level?) Notes and Interviews MOB
“Every event is recorded in the skies. What happened before will happen and again, until we learn. It is the N’Ajtaq, the Golden Thread that has no end or beginning, the thread that connects the heavens to Loq'Alaj Ūlew,” said the Maya Elder. “A new era began, this time, according to the Abuelo, we will have the Sky-children and the Star-people visiting Loq'Alaj Ūlew (Mother Earth). They will return to teach again. Sadly we don't learn. But they will come again and again. We are their plan, they are our makers. They send us seeds every time a star falls, but we are so proud we believe we know everything, that there is nothing to learn. María, we don't understand, we are drunk of ignorance.”
“What is the difference between Sky-children and Star-people,” I asked.

“The Sky-children come from different planets, some are good; others are not so good. Some come with their own interests, others, to help. The Star-people are kind and want us to succeed. They teach us, all the time… some of the Sky-people are just waiting, watching...”
“We are no longer in the world of the Fourth Sun, but we are not yet in the Fifth Era or Fifth Sun,” said the Elder while we were walking to get some herbs. “We are in between, in the transition, in the chaos of change and transformation. We are living in a time of vibration, movement, and water. This is the time of changes and adjustments, contagion, earthquakes, and high rising water, of extreme weather; a time of transformation and cleansing.”
In another location, an Elder was explaining to me the different Suns or Eras that existed since the creation of Mother Earth. This has been very confusing. In some books we live in the Fifth Sun, for some of the Maya people, we are living in the Fourth Creation. (2010)
“This Sun (our time), is the Sun of Fire; water, earthquakes, famines, contagion, wars, lies, deceit, extremes, and confusions, which will bring our present world to reconsider or destroy.” Notes and Interviews MOB
“Not everyone will be destroyed in the Fourth and Fifth Ecatonatiuh, as it is a time of adjustment, movement, and cleansing...” Spiegazione delle tavole del Códice Mexicano–Codex Vaticanus (Vatican).

- Nāhui-Ollin (Earthquake Sun, Fifth Sun)—called ‘4-Movement’ is ruled by Tonatiuh, the Sun god. It is characterized by the day sign Ollin, which means movement. According to Āztec beliefs, should the deities be displeased, this world will be destroyed by earthquakes (or one large earthquake), sky-falling dragons (sky monsters, asteroids?), deluge, and contagion. Then the Tzitzimimeh will annihilate all its inhabitants that still survive. (Tzitzimimeh—group of female deities related to fertility: they were protectresses of the feminine and progenitresses of mankind. They were also powerful and dangerous, especially in periods of cosmic instability. (infertility?). We live in this era.
Secrets, Lies and Contagion
Deep in the jungle of Campeche, in the center of the Petén-Maya Region and within the Calakmul Biosphere Reserve, lies Ox Te'Tu'ūn (now known as Calakmul). It is the largest protected area in México and among the few remaining areas in the Americas where jaguars, ocelotes, jaguarundi and margay still roam. It is home to 33% of all bird species in México, with 350 species of birds that either inhibit or migrate through the site; over 100 of them are considered endangered. Toucan, spider and howler monkeys are a common site. The heart of the Selva Maya rainforest is the second largest in the Americas after the Amazon. Located in the central/southern portion of the Yucatán Peninsula, it is 35 mi/60 km from the main highway in Campeche, and 22 mi/35 km from the Guatemala border. “The city covers 27 sq. mi. and contains more than 7,000 structures, only a small portion of which have been excavated. The jungle is very dense. The Structure II pyramid is the largest in the Maya world. The base covers 5 acres and rises 174 ft/53 m. Murals depicting everyday life were recently discovered.
My husband and I worked through the years with a teacher in X’pujil and our local guide. It was winter, the year was 2011, this time we stayed in a small hotel in the center of town. We left at dawn planning to spend the complete day in the archaeological site of Calakmul. To get to the site, we had to leave the brand-new highway, and travel almost an hour into the thick, dense jungle, on a dusty white road; an ancient Sacbé. We had to stop several times to see the monkeys and to let the wild turkeys cross the road. As soon as we arrived at the ticket office we saw army trucks, soldiers, vans, tents, etc. At the end of the road there were guarding what seemed like a military cargo plane and several helicopters. We were told that we could go inside but that we were not to get near the main pyramid, or cross the police cordon-off areas but they gave us no reason why. Our guide then went and offered the captain one of the drinks we had. When he came back, he didn’t say a word until we were far away.
“Why are helicopters and such an incredible show of military force? Those vans had foreign plates, and we could see at the end what seemed like a war plane, those that can carry trucks...” I asked. I have no clue about military vehicles.
Our guide told us that the captain said that they found something big inside the pyramid. Several
Space Agencies form around the world were there. There were trained dogs and archaeologists, working to find out what was inside. We were told there was going to be a special documentary in 2012 that would follow the findings. We waited. It never happened.
Los Angeles 8.17.2011 By Steve Pond—The Mexican government is releasing state-held secrets about the end of the Maya calendar to the makers of a documentary. The information—protected for 80 years—is expected to reveal Maya beliefs in future catastrophes and wisdom characterized as shocking,” producer Raul Julia-Levy told The Wrap. The agreement will allow Julia-Levy to film in never-before-seen locations. “The Maya used to construct one pyramid over another. In the site at Calakmul, workers for INAH have discovered rooms inside the pyramid that have never been seen or explored before.” Julia-Levy said he’d been made aware of the secret Maya information by former Mexican president Vicente Fox—a friend of his family—and that it took four years of phone calls to finally get the OK from current president Felipe Calderon. This is very important for humanity, not just for México,” said Julia-Levy. “This information has been protected for 80 years, and now it’s important for people to understand the series of events that are coming, and the consequences for all of us.” The English-language documentary will be directed by Juan Carlos Ruflo, and will begin shooting later this year. Elbert said the filmmakers are talking to investors and waiting for the government to give them their first look at the material and the site. Ed Elbert is co-producing along with Julia-Levy and Sheila M. McCarthy and executive producer Eduardo Vertiz. “It has to be released before the end of the Maya calendar, which is December 21, 2012,” said Julia-Levy. “That’s the date that the Maya Calendar comes to the end of a 5,126-year cycle, and resets for another cycle.” Julia-Levy has been specifically ordered not to talk about any of the more mystical possibilities that might strain credulity as México prepares to launch the far-reaching Maya World Program. Rosado was quoted in a press release talking about contact between the Maya and extraterrestrials. That statement has been recalled. “We put that film on hold,” said Elbert. “The film is based on the release of new and important knowledge from the Mayas.” Asked if the movie will involve aliens, mystical elements or doomsday scenarios that have fueled the popular imagination, Levy declined to elaborate. “I can just say that the Mexican government is preparing to tell humanity and the world things that are critical for us, for the way we live, for the way we’ve been handling the planet.”
One might assume that with the human species in peril, there would be no time to waste in wrapping up the film, but in April 2012, Levy suddenly stopped production. When the production was stopped, the federal government had ordered that footage be delivered to them. The documentary was never produced. The findings were never released.
Science and Unexplained—During the shooting, what did you see in the pyramid of Calakmul? -RJL: With the mission's archaeologists, we entered a large chamber. This is where there is a huge frieze, engraved on a wall. It is decorated with Maya glyphs (...). This frieze evokes the entire history of humanity. A people who have been chosen by those they call the ‘heavenly brothers’, far superior to them who taught them mathematics and astrology; A superior race from the stars...”
RJL: The Maya were chosen by this superior race. They had received their ‘agreement’, as expressed in the text of the frieze. The ‘contract’ provided that the Maya would be the guides of this planet for thousands of years. But the civilization of the West, to say the conquistadores, arose. It is not certain that only gold and wealth attracted them. Anyway, the Maya will disappear...
S&I: What are you going to do now? RJL: Open the pyramid. Before the end of the year, we will invite the media to come and see the existence of the Calakmul frieze. Its main façade3 has a decoration whose symbolism is at the heart of this report, because, according to archaeologists, it is a guide to understand in more detail the influence that a superior civilization may have had on the Maya. Two masks frame a central staircase and are described as a semi-human, or humanoid (non-terrestrial) face with bridled eyes, prominent cheeks, a wide nose and a mouth called feline. A style visible on substructure II-1 c could belong to a different civilization, likely to have brought some knowledge to these populations. Another point supports this hypothesis: these characters emerge from the mouth of a large bird that is interpreted as the representation of an alien who comes out of the gosier of a being with animal characteristics. The character wears a helmet that represents an unknown bird. This hypothesis is also articulated on the existence of characters painted on Maya ceramics that bring together these various elements (...). (YH: more simply helmeted beings coming out of a vehicle—assimilated itself to an animal because having no possible comparison in the minds of the natives). The second section of the building caps the platform where the masks previously described are located. It is divided into two parts: the first is an entrance, consisting of smooth walls, from which one can access a space of more than 237 ft²/22 m² covered by a vault unique in all the Maya culture. This space is, it seems, a passage that leads to a place not yet identified. The second part is an elaborate frieze made of 75.46 ft/23 m long by 9.8 ft/3 m high. The polychromy visible all around and on three levels of depth makes it one of the most important works in the entire history of the Maya civilization. The motifs visible on this façade, of supernatural origin, are of great complexity because they intertwine with humanoid faces. (…) In the hierarchical order of the Maya, there was a community of great power that possessed the privilege of communicating with ‘other’ beings. The Western conception that the Maya believed in God (or Gods) is false: they were in relationship with intelligent beings from another dimension (…).”
Substructure II-c 1 was built by a civilization that received the education and instructions necessary to build this kind of monument. This civilization can in no way be identified as Maya or Ōlmēc given the characteristics that adorn the façade of the pyramid, characteristics foreign to these two cultures—and any other—that lived on this territory. The symbolic language expressed in the frieze and in the masks worn by the entities suggests that this substructure plays the role of a temple where the Maya deposited a message related to the civilization that preceded them and had a great influence on their history. This first Temple was covered by thousands of tons of stone and earth up to an altitude of 115 ft/35 m. So he was buried intentionally. For unknown reasons, the inhabitants of Calakmul wished at one time to erase this place from the memory of men. We believe that further archaeological excavations are needed and that they may provide the answer to this enigma.” Excerpts from the magazine Science et Inexpliqué N°29—Editions de Sèvres
A priori very serious archaeological report was written by archaeologists Adriana Iveth Sanchez Lopez and José Agustin Anaya Cancino, and which therefore had the approval of Mexican President Felipe Calderon Hinojosa and the director of the Calakmul Archaeological Project, Ramon Carrasco Vargas, and concerns the description and interpretation (like any science studying the past) of the sub II-c 1 and N° 1 structures of the Chi'k Naab acropolis of the city of Calakmul.
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