“Scientists are studying ancient human DNA from past cultures to understand whether cultural evolution correlated with human genetics; Science behind our existence is proving that the missing link in human creation ‘appears’ to be unknown; ‘Alien Genes’ found in our DNA.”
In sacred ancient texts we find stories of how the creation of mankind was produced. “The Sumerian creation texts mention the Anunnaki; ‘those who from heaven came to Earth.’ There are several important Bible verses that refer to the creation of Adam and Eve, which was based on writings of Sumerian clay tablets that speak of superior beings which created the first human species.” * Sumerian—earliest known civilization in southern Mesopotamia, now southern Iraq.
The Maya used the words Lords or Deities to what we now refer to as God. Some of those deities had children with the local women (shared DNA?). Many of their legends deal with virgins who got pregnant because one of those deities chose them. One of the best-known examples appears in the holy book of the Popol Vuh;
“The maiden spoke with the dismembered head of one of the deities, he spat in her hand and she became pregnant with the famous Hero Twins, that later became the Sun and the Moon.” It also recalls the story of the Maya Creation; “This is an account of the beginning, when all was stillness, silence, and water. There was no light, no land, no plants, no people, and no animals. Six deities, covered in green and blue feathers, lay in the primordial waters. These six deities helped Hurakān, also known as Heart of Sky, to create the Earth. Tepeū, Deity of the Sky, and Gucumatz, Deity of the Seas, met to discuss how Earth would come into being. They agreed and created mountains, rivers, valleys, and the rest of the Earth. The sky and Earth now existed, but there was no Sun and no Moon. Now the land had a heart, and they called it Heart of Earth. To separate the sky from the Earth they planted a tall ceiba tree, making space for all life. The roots penetrated deep into the nine levels of the Maya Underworld, the tree-trunk was on the surface of the land (earth), and the branches reached up to the thirteen levels of the Maya Upper-world. The plants were next created to live on the Earth. And then the animals were created, but did not speak and could not praise the Lords and they wanted to create beings with hearts and minds who could “keep the count of the days.” The Lords decided to create humans from wet clay, but they had no souls, so they were destroyed in a great flood. The deities created humans from wood and also failed. Those that survived are said to have become monkeys The deities created the final form of human beings using white and yellow corn that ultimately succeeds in producing true, and enduring, humans.”
I am reviewing my notes, and today, with all the changes in the world that affect our lives, I realized the wisdom of all my teachers and Elders. In the 1970s, one of my teachers, Sergio González de la Garza, told us that there was going to be a time when we would not be allowed to leave our homes, we would be afraid to go out shopping; when children would kill and have guns, and people would live in fear. How is it possible that different people in the past and present can see the future?
Time of Contagion, Movement and Water
The Lords of Time, the Maya spiritual guides, believed that everything that exists has a cycle, and contains K'ūh or K'ūhul (life force, breath of life). That ‘breath of life' never disappears; it transforms. Nothing ends, as there is always a renewal, a new beginning. Earth was created and destroyed several times.
"What happened before, will happen again and again. Everything dies and is reborn; time is a never-ending circle."
“Everything has energy, weight, and vibration that produces color and sound. Everything is alive and must be respected. If neglected, contagion, disasters, earthquakes, and storms will happen. Great respect was given to Loq'Alaj Ūlew (Mother Earth). Several festivities were made in her honor so that there would be balance and she would be happy. Numerology was a very important part of the Maya knowledge.”
Mother Earth is the Youngest Child
“Mother Earth is the 13th child of our Papá Ī'tzāmnáaj'. We are the youngest. Loq'Alaj Ūlew (Mother Earth) is the youngest child.” Maya Elder—MOB
“Our I'tzananohk'u (Ī'tzāmnáaj') is our Señor, the Lord of all the Hach Winik ('True Men' Maya-Lacandon). Ī'tzāmnáaj', the first priest and son of HunĀb'Ku had thirteen sons with Īx'Chel, the goddess of women, childbearing, and medicine. The thirteen sons of Ī'tzāmnáaj' not only represent a magical number, they also represent the thirteen worlds that are inhabited in the Maya universe. We are the thirteenth child; the small one.” Maya Elder—MOB
“Hachākyum, the Lord who created Loq'Alaj Ūlew has not returned, and the others, who were born from the flowers of the Bak'Niktē' are missing. He also made the animals, the plants, the trees and the hills, everything. He has disappeared.” After reflecting, he added, “the white man has a different god; Akyantho. He is different, he didn't make gods out of the flowers, and the poor white men didn't know about the cocoa or the maize. Their god made the powder and the guns... He (Akyantho), has a brother that lives in Yaxchilān, his name is Hachākyum. He is the one that watches over Loq'Alaj Ūlew. At night, when he goes through those lights (Milky Way), you can see different seeds (stars). There are seeds of squash and beans, there are seeds of corn and cocoa beans. It's all in our books. We are again not afraid, like you, ‘the white ones'… if we die, we know that there is another step." (escalón, level?) Notes and Interviews MOB
“Every event is recorded in the skies. What happened before will happen and again, until we learn. It is the N’Ajtaq, the Golden Thread that has no end or beginning, the thread that connects the heavens to Loq'Alaj Ūlew,” said the Maya Elder. “A new era began, this time, according to the Abuelo, we will have the Sky-children and the Star-people visiting Loq'Alaj Ūlew (Mother Earth). They will return to teach again. Sadly we don't learn. But they will come again and again. We are their plan, they are our makers. They send us seeds every time a star falls, but we are so proud we believe we know everything, that there is nothing to learn. María, we don't understand, we are drunk of ignorance.”
“What is the difference between Sky-children and Star-people,” I asked.

“The Sky-children come from different planets, some are good; others are not so good. Some come with their own interests, others, to help. The Star-people are kind and want us to succeed. They teach us, all the time… some of the Sky-people are just waiting, watching...”
“We are no longer in the world of the Fourth Sun, but we are not yet in the Fifth Era or Fifth Sun,” said the Elder while we were walking to get some herbs. “We are in between, in the transition, in the chaos of change and transformation. We are living in a time of vibration, movement, and water. This is the time of changes and adjustments, contagion, earthquakes, and high rising water, of extreme weather; a time of transformation and cleansing.”
In another location, an Elder was explaining to me the different Suns or Eras that existed since the creation of Mother Earth. This has been very confusing. In some books we live in the Fifth Sun, for some of the Maya people, we are living in the Fourth Creation.
“This Sun (our time), is the Sun of Fire; water, earthquakes, famines, contagion, wars, lies, deceit, extremes, and confusions, which will bring our present world to reconsider or destroy.” Notes and Interviews MOB
“Not everyone will be destroyed in the Fourth and Fifth Ecatonatiuh, as it is a time of adjustment, movement, and cleansing...” Spiegazione delle tavole del Códice Mexicano–Codex Vaticanus (Vatican).

Nāhui-Ollin (Earthquake Sun, Sun of Movement, Fifth Sun)—called‘4-Movement’is ruled by Tonatiuh, the Sun god. It is characterized by the day-sign Ollin, which means movement. According to Āztec beliefs, should the deities be displeased, this world will be destroyed by earthquakes (or one large earthquake), sky-falling dragons (sk ymonsters, asteroids?), deluge, and contagion.Then the Tzitzimimeh will annihilate all its inhabitants that still survive.(Tzitzimimeh—groupof female deities related to fertility: they were protectresses of the feminine and progenitresses of mankind. They were also powerful and dangerous, especially in periods of cosmic instability.(infertility?).We live in this Sun (Era).Erts .
We Have to Remember
“Some of the Elders are now drunk of themselves. Some think they are better and that they know everything, but we must respect them. We simply ignore them. We hear them, but that's it; we don't listen,” said the Maya Elder wisely. “We have to open ourselves to the universe, to what is beyond. We have to remember what we learned in other lives. When are we going to rebuild effortlessly, wisely?” Maya Elder—MOB
Read, compare, and don't come to a conclusion right away. Don't accept any conclusions. Learn to remove the veil that has been imposed by those who think that by knowing the truth, we will doubt their faith and their stories. We have to teach the new generations to respect all religions, beliefs, and customs, demand that our beliefs and customs be respected, and teach them to learn from the Elders.
“The road to the stars descended from the sky and the thirteen and nine Lords came to earth.” Chilām Balām (Prophet Jaguar) (13) (9)
Written in the Universe
“Philosophy is written in this grand book, the Universe, which stands continually open to our gaze. The book cannot be understood unless one first learns to comprehend the language and read the letters in which it is composed. It is written in the language of mathematics, its characters, triangles, circles, and other geometric figures without which, it is humanly impossible to understand a single word of it; without these, one wanders about in a dark labyrinth.” Galileo Galilei (1564—1642)
“Spanish Conquistadors obliterated the historical record of the Maya in the 16th century, but didn’t wipe out evidence that ancient people traveled to the Americas from all over the world, and that their deities arrived in flying crafts.” History Channel
“88% of the locals died during the first ten years of colonial rule; a combination of disease, murdered, burning alive, and war.”
Spanish Bishop Fray Diego de Landa destroyed entire populations, but compiled, in the Relationship of Things in Yucatán, the great development that Maya medicine reached. He writes that the Inquisition in Maní, Yucatán, was imposed by him in the name of ‘the real and merciful god’, ending with a ceremony called Auto de Fé (Act of Faith) on July 12, 1562.
- Popol Wuj, Popol Vuh, or Vuj, (Book of Counsel or Book of the People)—contains the mythological version of the creation of Earth and of the First Peoples, its destruction, the K'iche' genealogies and land rights. It relates the confrontation between the Lords of Ū'kux Xibalbā' (Underworld), and the first divine twins Hūn-Hūnāhpú (One First Lord; Orion’), and his twin brother Vucub-Hūnāhpú.
- Bak Niktē' flowers—Mexican Nardo flower (Plumería Rubra) from which the Lacandón deities were born.
- Hurakān, Hanrahan—also known as `Heart of the Sky' and `One-Leg', is a storm deity. In the Popol Vuh, he is the supreme creator, and sends the great flood to destroy the inferior creations. He is referred to as Lord of the Whirlwind and credited to give fire to humans. One-Leg, one of three lightning gods; together called Heart of the Sky.
- Akashic and Hall of Records—In theosophy and anthroposophy, the Akashic records are a compendium of all universal events, thoughts, words, emotions, and intent ever to have occurred in the past, present, or future in terms of all entities and life forms, not just humans.The Records offer a perspective on our past and present and helps us to understand certain experiences in our life and how we created them through our own past choices. The Hall of Records is an ancient library claimed to lie under the Great Sphinx of Giza, in Tibet, and in the Yucatán.
- Optical data storage (sometimes known as Superman memory crystal) is a nanostructured glass for permanently recording digital data using the femtosecond laser writing process. The memory crystal is capable of storing up to 360 terabytes worth of data for billions of years. Hitachi and Microsoft have researched and developed 5D optical storage techniques Nickel is impervious to radiation as well as the changing temperatures on the Moon.
- Sirius ‘A’—is 8.6 light-years from Earth and the fifth closest star system known. It has played a role in different civilizations. In Astronomy, there is a series ‘A’ and ‘B’. Sirius ‘B’ is a white dwarf, tiny and very faint because of its size; 12,000 Km in diameter. Because dwarfs have exhausted their nuclear fuel sources and have collapsed down to a very small size, they are too small to see with the naked eye.
- Yaxché tree/Tzuk te'/Heart of Sky/Ceiba Tree—is the connection between the sky, Mother Earth, and the underworld. The roots represent the 9 levels (Underworld Xibalbā); the middle level (tree trunk) is home to Mother Earth, and the 13 layers of the Upper-world regions, represented by the branches, (upper realm or sky) is located. (9) (1) (13)
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