Other mysteries surround ancient civilizations. How did the Maya know the exact position of the three main stars of Orion?
How did Sirius—a star that is 8.6 light-years from Earth was known not only to the Maya, but it has played an important role in different civilizations? Pyramids are aligned to the Orion Belt, which points to Sirius ‘A’, the brightest star in the sky.
And the mystery of the Mica? How can we logically explain that in several archaeological sites, the roads and base of the pyramids are covered with Mica? The Mica found in Teōtīhuacān, México, originated from Brazil 2,000 mi away. How could they transport the mica and how was it used? Mica is now used by NASA on their spaceships, in the electrical industry, and as a thermal and electrical insulator in electronic equipment. How did different ancient civilizations miles apart know how to work with the magnetic fields? Many pyramids and temples show signs of having a few ancient sites below what is seen today. Why would they purposely build on the same exact location unless it was for a significant purpose?
Much time and effort was put into the accuracy and alignment of these temples and pyramids to celestial bodies and events. Do these sites have a connection to the Earth’s energy grid as many believe? Or do they exist in a key location for the alignment of certain star systems during certain times of the Maya calendar year? Maybe the rebuilding of these monuments was for the purpose of calibration to properly adjust their alignment to certain star systems?
“Researchers have discovered a strong connection between secret structures and powerful spiritual areas around the globe, where the earths’ electromagnetic energy gathers. All of the sites were chosen carefully. Earth's magnetic field connects different parts of the earth where gravitational and magnetic anomalies occur. Evidence suggests that the ancient cultures were doing exact calculations and planning on a global scale, creating a unique pattern. The connection between structures and powerfully charged areas of the globe with the earth's electromagnetic energy grits is accurate.”
Many magnetized rocks that have been carved representing calendars, spaceships, or deities. Big boulders hit by lightning can be the answer, as they are magnetized. But how did the Maya choose them, and why?

Ancient civilizations recorded stories of giants and dwarfs. In Mesoamerica, the Maya, Ōlmēc and Āztec civilizations, to name a few, believe that the giants and dwarfs were able to move and cut huge stones to build great pyramids using only the vibration of their whistles and high pitch sounds. Now we are experimenting with vibration to be able to move objects. In the southern states of México, Guatemala and parts of South America, we have the tiny Alux (sing) or Aluxo'ob (pl), and the Quinametzin giants, that came to help, but others came to enslave the locals, and made them work in the mines.
The Vatican has in their possession the Vaticanus Codex, the Italian translation of the Āztec Codex. It shows men pulling a dead Quinametzin (giant)—with references and drawings about the existence and extinction of giants in México. It describes how the giants fought against the Āztec warriors and says that when the Spanish arrived, the priests recorded the death of the last one.
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